Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm Not Dead

It's just been pretty busy around here. Since I last posted I bought a condo and now I am preparing for a move. I hate moving. Anyway, all my books are packed away in boxes and therefore I am unable to thrill y'all with the prospect of literary adventures. Right now all I can really offer is a quick do and don't of hot weather. Do: drink cucumber-lemon water. Yum. Don't: eat chips and salsa. Self-explanatory.

It's looking like the next book I'll be reading is Anne of Green Gables. I have, shockingly, never read this. But I'm taking a trip to Halifax soon and am hoping to go to P.E.I., and I hear they don't let you in if you haven't read the full works of L.M. Montgomery. So I'll work on it, and keep you posted.

Until then, enjoy the summer!