Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm Not Dead

It's just been pretty busy around here. Since I last posted I bought a condo and now I am preparing for a move. I hate moving. Anyway, all my books are packed away in boxes and therefore I am unable to thrill y'all with the prospect of literary adventures. Right now all I can really offer is a quick do and don't of hot weather. Do: drink cucumber-lemon water. Yum. Don't: eat chips and salsa. Self-explanatory.

It's looking like the next book I'll be reading is Anne of Green Gables. I have, shockingly, never read this. But I'm taking a trip to Halifax soon and am hoping to go to P.E.I., and I hear they don't let you in if you haven't read the full works of L.M. Montgomery. So I'll work on it, and keep you posted.

Until then, enjoy the summer!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so we didn't get to PEI this trip, but just read Anne, for crying out loud! You will understand so many of your female Canadian friends better afterward, because it is the cornerstone in our collective identity. Also, it's so good!

    On another note, I disagree with your chips & salsa advice.
