Friday, November 5, 2010

Procrastination Makes It Happen

It is approximately 8 pm on a Friday night. I just woke up from a little thing I like to call a procrastination nap. Tomorrow morning, ridiculously early, I have to be on a train. Before that happens, I have to do about five loads of laundry, pack, take a shower, and attempt to clean up my disgusting home. I am thinking about making some cookies.

So, obviously, it is time to sit down and write a blog post.

This week a long-distance friend of mine [okay, cookies are in the oven. Some cravings just can't be ignored] posted a link to a Salon article suggesting that instead of writing for NaNoWriMo, people make an effort to read more. The idea is that you read 10 books from 10 different categories in the space of 10 months (totalling 100 books—10 from each category). Now, as a person with a full-time job, this is impossible. But we decided that reading 1 book from each of the 10 categories was a respectable challenge. So now we are in the process of choosing the categories. It's looking like popular history and popular science will make it in, as well as short stories and contemporary bestsellers. I'm excited to broaden my reading scope a bit, and I'm looking at this as both an excuse to buy new books and motivation to read some that have been sitting on the shelf for a while. All in all, good reading project. I'll probably blog as I go (somehow using blog as a verb still sounds pretentious, but whatever), if you're interested. And even if you're not.

Have a good weekend, everyone! Procrastination time is probably over. For now.

[cookie update: kind of cakey, since I accidentally added baking powder. dough is always the best part anyway.]


  1. What categories have you chosen? Are you looking for any recommendations?

  2. So far it's looking like history, politics/economics, YA, mystery, contemp fiction, short stories, poetry collections, and biography are all making it in. Others are still up for debate. Suggestions very welcome!
